About Jonna & mYSTICAL sERVICES imageAbout Jonna & mYSTICAL sERVICES imageAbout Jonna & mYSTICAL sERVICES image
Hello Soul Family!!  🌸

As a Highly Sensitive Person, Jonna has been practicing mystical services professionally since 2003. A Mystic could be considered as 'One who sees and works with 'All which is possible'. As a Clairvoyant, or someone who perceives in multiple dimensions, I am honored to work with Spirit Guides and Ancestors to assist fellow man and woman in realizing their Full Potential as Spirit Humans.

When we open ourselves to the Unlimited Possibilities in this realm, real magic flows, healing takes place, and a sense of Peace and Life Purpose can be achieved. This IS Alchemy at it's finest - transmuting trauma or 'suffering' into Joy and Self-Love. When you are Empowered, your Potential is Limitless. I truly look forward to connecting with YOU!

As there are many mystical services to choose from, here are a few details of each to help you better understand what you can expect from an individual session, OR from the Full Mystical Experience - 'The Alchemical Package'. In Each session, you are communicating with your Soul or Higher-Self to achieve Clarity and Self-Love. Generally speaking; 1)sessions run from 30 minutes to 75 minutes, depending on the service, 2) cost is $1.00 per minute when you travel to my Lake Stevens location.  Example - 30 minutes = 30$. 3) In person session preferred, yet Zoom sessions are available upon request.  Trades also accepted!  Example = Hair Services for Mystical Services!! 

MOBILE MYSTIC SERVICES - I Travel to YOU!!  Book a Healing Touch Therapy session or an Oracle Card Reading AT YOUR LOCATION!!  
Cost is $2 dollars per minute when I travel to you!!  Up to 30 miles from Lake Stevens WA. 

With Love - Jonna. PCLC, HTP-A. 


1.  Oracle Card Readings:  Check in with your Divine-Self for guidance on your unique journey.  In a Loving Card Reading you can dig deep for clarity in any situation you may be facing.  With your permission, your guides and ancestors will assist.  Approx. 30 minutes

2.  Healing Touch Energy Therapy:  Healing Touch (HT) Therapy is an evidence-based and nationally accredited Energy Medicine therapy which activates a person's natural energy flow to enhance and support physical, mental, and spiritual health/vitality.  In a typical session the practitioner applies light or off-body touch while administering healing interventions with Heart-Centered intention to clear energy blockages and balance the energetic flow of the body, mind, and spirit.  HT can relieve stress, Ease pain, Reduce anxiety and depression, and Clear old trauma from the physical and energetic bodies.
All Healing Touch treatments are administered on a clean and disinfected massage table, where the client is fully clothed, with shoes on or off , it's your preference. After a HT session, you may feel profoundly relaxed, balanced, and even revitalized! Approx. 45 -60 min. sessions.

3.  Spiritual Life Coaching:   Are you feeling stuck?  Are you searching for new or renewed purpose in life?  Are you questioning the overall meaning of Everything?  Working with a Certified Life Coach can bring much comfort and clarity to your journey.  Client and Coach partner together to find the answers you are seeking, yet those answers come from YOU!  You know You better than anyone, consciously and subconsciously!  The Coach, through insight and intuition, finds the right questions to ask.  Together, along with guidance from our higher-selves, your path can be lit from all sides. Approx. 30-60 minute sessions. Ask about package deals. 

4.  Hug Therapy:   Through platonic and Heart Centered touch, we can (re) learn the holistic value of Human Connection.  A Hug lasting more than 15 seconds releases Oxytocin, the hormone in the body which promotes trust, devotion, and bonding.  Oxytocin reduces the levels of cortisol in the body, the hormone which causes stress.  In a Hug Therapy session, we first sit together in open communication/dialogue.  When the time feels right, a hug takes place which lasts longer than 15 seconds.  You decide when it ends.  Most hugs in therapy last about 1-3 minutes.  Many emotions may come forward, flowing to the surface.  After the hug we continue open communication and empathetic support.  The average Hug Therapy session last 30 minutes.

5.  Emotional Life Support:  Do you just need someone to Listen?  Are you feeling alone and need to share with another compassionate Human Spirit?  Emotional Life Support is just that - Support for your challenging, and sometimes overwhelming life path.  Maybe you are new to the area or have little family support around?  Book a 30 minute session where you can LET IT ALL OUT!  You can cry, yell, or swear.  Getting it out, working it through, gaining Innerstanding is the ultimate goal. This varies from coaching, as the main goal as your supporter, is to Listen and offer insights (if wanted) from a compassionate and healing perspective.

6.  Jewelry with Intention:  As a Mystic I make handmade jewelry (bracelets and earrings) which carry with them an Intention for Healing and Well-being.  Each piece of jewelry is created with stones, crystals and metals which promote self-confidence, self-love and inner-clarity.  When you wear the jewelry, you are reminded of your intentions for living a fulfilled life.  While making the jewelry, I sit in quiet meditation and infuse a specific intention into the piece.  One example of an intention (also known as a prayer, affirmation, or decliration) is:   "Nothing but good can come to me or through me".  When you see, wear, or gift the jewelry, you are reminded of your motivational affirmation.

7.  The Alchemical Package Experience (approx 75 minute session):  This package deal includes a simplistic Card Reading, Healing Touch Energy Therapy based on feedback and/or your card reading, AND one piece of jewelry of your choice!  Select from an already made piece or have one created specifically for you.  You choose the intention and stones (from available stock).  After such a session, you may feel quite relaxed, harmonized, and connected with your Divine-self.